Just Get Up & Move

The inspiration to start the movement of the month challenge

We all sit too much…and although we know we should get up and move more we are paralyzed by not knowing where to start.

Over and over again patients ask, “What is the best one thing I can do?” Generally I feel like this is a trick question but rather than over think it, I just picked one, and this is the one I often do between patients. And rather than argue what movement is the best or most effective I thought our time better spent just jumping in and starting.

But really, the one best thing is the one thing you actually will do!

For me it is gorilla taps or high plank shoulder taps. I think they are fun. I like that I’m moving side to side which can distract me from just how long I’ve been holding the plank. It can be easily modified by using a desk or countertop as opposed to getting all the way down to the floor. If I’m in a location where I don’t want to lie down on the floor…no problem. No need just put something down to protect my hands.

I like to count and feel accomplished when I get to 50 taps as opposed to 45 seconds…Nobody likes watching the clock. Or at least I don’t.

All this to say I’m excited to pick a new movement every 4 weeks so we can keep our bodies guessing with variety and novelty. Hoping my enthusiasm will pass along to you and you will have fun with this challenge.

Gorilla Taps | High Plank Shoulder Taps


Stack your hands under your shoulders.

  • Soften your elbows to keep them from hyperextending.

  • Draw your belly button in to engage your core.

  • Push through your shoulders to avoid your upper back collapsing.

  • Make it easier - Use a counter top or desk as opposed to the floor. Or drop your knees to the floor.

  • Make it harder. Lift the opposite leg off the ground as your tap your hand to your shoulder.


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